We are excited to announce that Black Youth School Success Initiative (BYSSI) has partnered with Queen's University Equity Ambassadors to host a series of 9 workshops intended for racialized high school students.
During the sessions, the Equity Ambassadors will engage with students by sharing their personal experiences and educational journeys, and discussing important topics about post-secondary education processes, programs and support. There are a number of workshops which apply to a number of different students' needs, whether you're looking to learn about funding options (OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries, etc), curious about different mental health resources available, or want to learn more about the day and life of living on residence, chances are there is a workshop for you (see poster for a list of topics).
These workshops are open to all students in Peel, the first session will be held January 17th and the final session on March 4th.
Students can register to attend these sessions via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/post-secondary-fireside-chat-series-tickets-231880509847?ref=estw
Space is limited, please sign up for the sessions that interest you ASAP, and share with those who would benefit.